Lifecycle gully management solution for inspection, cleaning, and maintenance
KOREC Capture’s Gully module is a full, end to end, gully cleansing, recording, and reporting system. Ideal for contractor use, it combines a sophisticated data collection method for manging cleaning programmes, and for end clients, a high-quality record of the on-site work completed.
Collect date, time & location of each gully being cleaned, as well as current silt levels, and any cleaning omissions
Analyse photographic evidence of work completed or issues encountered which are tagged to individual gullies
Respond via the mobile app and assign field crew to a new inspection site
Unrivalled geospatial asset insight
Measure Map and Manage the Natural and Built environment
Low cost, High Accuracy GPS collection
Mass Data Capture, Mobile Mapping
Terrestrial Scanning or UAV Photogrammetry
AI derived data
Combining Industry Knowledge with simple, intuitive software
Facilitating the exchange of information throughout the organisation
Bringing certainty to your decision making